Thursday, January 20, 2011

Adding Impact Using Shapes

     Landscape pictures are always popular, and there's a lot to be said for a set of rolling green hills and some brightly colored skies. The problem is, with nothing but free-flowing curves, any image can be boring. The easiest way to convey a sense of order to otherwise chaotic scenes.
     I won't post too many pictures this time unless someone asks for them, but I will give you some advice on the use of different shapes.
Traingles- Triangles are a great way to lead somebody's eyes into your picture. Put your subject on one point of the triangle, and arrange other points of interest on the other points. One of my favorite ways to use this trick is to take a picture in a tree flanked road or driveway, with a house or a person at the point where the perspective liens come together.
Squares and rectangles- These shapes are great for producing a sense of order in a scene. Regular patterns of quadrilaterals (such as in a railroad track or brick wall) will have the effect of contributing a rigid structure to the scene. Because of this, scattered and widely spaced squares can give a sense of rebellious freedom.
    I may edit this later with more shapes and explanations when I think of them.


  1. This is the #1 thing my photography teacher stressed.

    Don't forget to check and support often your local information hot-spot! An important tidbit of information was released today.

  2. I wouldn't mind seeing how you utilize this.

    I'm more of a visual learner so seeing how exactly you do it would be cool.
